Women as Career Coaches
Wednesday, April 2, 2025 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
1120 Burloak Drive, Burlington
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Community events
Event Details:
For over 20 years, Women as Career Coaches (WACC) has brought together
thousands of youth and mentors from the Halton Region and beyond to engage
in informal conversation, listen to a line-up of inspiring spotlight speakers,
and participate in panel discussions about various career pathways.
This empowering evening is designed to provide the next generation with the
opportunity to discover a wide range of potential career paths. Youth thrive
when surrounded by strong adult role models who help create an evening of
support and empowerment as they navigate the professional world. Mentors
and career coaches from various professions, post-secondary pathways,
and education levels are invited to speak to attendees.
Together, we can inspire youth to feel confident and optimistic about their futures and their place in the world of work.
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